BLOCKS TO LOVE​ (and shift your energy)

Welcome to the Emotional Freedom Tapping Session

Are you ready to release emotional blocks and unlock the path to love, abundance, and self-realization? Join us for an empowering Emotional Freedom Tapping session designed to free you from the emotional barriers that hold you back from reaching your fullest potential and becoming the best version of yourself.

What is Emotional Freedom Tapping?

Emotional Freedom Tapping, also known as EFT or tapping, is a powerful healing technique that combines ancient acupressure with modern psychology to release negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and emotional blocks. By gently tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on the emotional issue at hand, you can effectively shift your energy and rewire your emotional responses.

Shifting Blocks to Love

In this transformative session, we focus specifically on releasing emotional barriers to love. Whether it's self-doubt, past traumas, fear of vulnerability, or limiting beliefs about love, this session will guide you through a process of emotional release and empowerment, allowing you to open your heart to love and embrace deeper connections with yourself and others.

Are you ready to break free from emotional barriers and open your heart to love? Join our Emotional Freedom Tapping session today and take the first step towards a life filled with love, joy, and abundance. Release the past, embrace the present, and step into a future of limitless possibilities.

What You'll Experience

  • Guided Tapping Session: Follow along with our experienced practitioner as they lead you through a guided tapping session focused on releasing emotional blocks to love.
  • Inner Exploration: Dive deep into your emotions and uncover the root causes of any blocks or resistance you may be experiencing in your relationships and personal growth journey.
  • Emotional Release: Release pent-up emotions, fears, and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from experiencing love and connection in its fullest expression.
  • Empowerment: Feel a sense of empowerment and liberation as you free yourself from the grip of past traumas and negative patterns, allowing you to step into a more authentic and loving version of yourself.

Your Transformation Toolkit

As part of this session, you will receive:

  • Video Session: Access to a guided tapping session led by our experienced practitioner, allowing you to follow along at your own pace and convenience.
  • Downloadable Workbook: A comprehensive workbook containing exercises, journal prompts, and affirmations to support you on your journey to emotional freedom and love.

Let's tap into love together.

I have been there before …

I have walked through many of life’s big challenges including walking away from a 15-year relationship and a 20-year career. This meant leaving behind the life I once knew and embarking on a painful, yet necessary journey to find myself. I was feeling lost, empty, and living a life I knew was incongruent, and totally out of alignment.

I made a complete transformation in my life, and am now blessed with an amazing partner, two beautiful children, and a business and life I have fallen in love with.

If I can do it, so can you.

As a Women's Life Coach, I have worked with hundreds of women in healing their hearts and clearing their blocks to love and success. These women go on to have amazing relationships, careers, businesses, and more importantly - love themselves again.

My life experience combined with years of working with women both in business and as individuals has allowed me to help my clients achieve massive positive shifts, empowering them to step into their fullest potential and live their best life.

Are you feeling ...

  • Emotionally drained?
  • Full of heartache?
  • Confused?
  • Lost and uncertain?
  • Trapped in a recurring cycle of heartbreak?
  • Disconnected from who you once were?
  • Isolated and alone?

Are you ready to ...

  • Elevate your emotion?
  • Feel grounded and powerful?
  • Clear negative energy?
  • Diffuse and release emotions that are holding you back?
  • Rewrite patterns that are keeping you stuck?
  • Release the invisible force that has been keeping you trapped?
  • Create the life you want and that you know you deserve?

If you’ve answered YES, then you’re in the right place

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You have all the right intentions, yet you just can’t seem to take the next step forward. Are your emotions holding you back, are you ready to find out?

Emotional Freedom Tapping

A powerful tool to help you shift negative emotions that are holding you back from stepping into the best version of you.

  • ​Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
  • ​Your Inner World Creates Your Outer World

Your subconscious mind carries an ‘imprint’ of all the stories, memories, emotional experiences, and resulting beliefs from your entire life.

Like it or not, these beliefs and programs play out in your life as your everyday experiences unfold.

Until you become aware of it, stop it in its tracks, and create a new program.

Re-write your past, Transform your Future

If pain from past relationships and life's challenges has created a wall around your heart, you may, unknowingly, be pushing away the love and abundance you so passionately want to call in.

You can recode your destiny and create life on your own terms.

This process can help you heal your heart, unravel old beliefs, and release emotion without reliving painful experiences.

Emotional Freedom Tapping works across timelines. It brings subconscious beliefs and patterns into the light to be transformed.

We remove the emotional and energetic charge, so past events and beliefs no longer have power over your current reality.

In our time together, we’ll travel through the matrix of time and space to discover where and when hurtful beliefs and blueprints were formed in your life.

We’ll follow the energy to where it is trapped, and reframe your perspective to help you clear your subconscious blocks and rewrite your story in a way that supports you - now.

We are all creators of our destiny. We just need to remove what is holding us back.

Are you ready to start clearing your blocks to love?

Take the first step and experience our FREE Emotional Freedom Self-Help tool and feel your energy transform immediately.

Let’s do this.